so if u've been following my blog sebelum ni, u wud've probably noticed that i've deleted abt a cajillion posts... bukan apa, like someone said... it's time to move on, buang yang keruh, amik yang jernih. so no more entries on u know who or anything to do with u know what... skrg ni blog privacy pun telah dilonggarkan... open to all sbb sume unsur 25SX telah dimansuhkan, huahhaha.
i'm currently having a blast catching up on my reading and working on my new bag charms collection... tapi baru choose stones je, proses pembikinan mungkin bukan dlm masa terdekat sbb ala2 malas... tgkla kalo rajin weekend ni ke, next week ke (alang2 cuti raya haji dengan kadar yg melampau)...
so if i don't get to update my blog before raya haji, selamat hari raya aidil adha to all, mintak ampun maaf atas semua salah silap... to my besties yg nak pegi ke kenduri epet, insyaAllah i'll c u there. love + hugs + kisses
Key Lime Sheet Cake
4 days ago