sniff sniff... I feel lousy. Huih, rase mcm nak heret bantal peluk gi ofis je. Friday lepas, sakit gigi, wisdom tooth #3 tumbuh. Sebenarnya dah 3/4 keluar, tp baru perasan. Sebab hari Khamis tu ntah apesal telebih vigour menenyeh gigi, tibe2, wak ak AUWWWW, ape gerangan? WTK??? rupe2nye I hit the sore spot where the gums dah merekah, wihooooo.... tak jadi nak bepoya-poya seperti yg dirancang the previous day... [babai new ofis shoes, babai cornish, I miss u guys.... ]
Sabtu feeling better, gi pasar tani. Waaah, manyak mende balu ooo... Had GREAT chocolate kukus [it's like fluffy brownie, HeLLoo!!], ada tahu berinti, cakoi sedap yg dicecah dgn lemak cili api recond, dll. Nampak mamat kiut yg mmg candidate mantap utk menjwb short questionnaire...
Pastu gi umah kiks and lepak2 dgn cousin skali sampai malam. Penat tp best gak.
Hari ni, penat semlm and kelmarin still tak habis2 lg. Dr semlm pening kepala tahap gaban. Angin ke? Dah naik power mata seblah kiri ni ke? Ape ke? Ke? Ke? So hari ni start pakai specs semula. Rase mcm same je pening kepale ni. Maybe byk sgt pikir kot; pikir masalah dunia- masalah ekonomi, masalah sosial, greenhouse efek, byk lg la...
Nak mkn ubat, malas... Nanti kene minum air byk2, rase nak tekenc je... Huih, byk issues la.
Byknye cekedak diri ku ini. [Sila jgn kutuk]
Anyway, nak chat dgn rakan beronggeng #2 ni. Yg #1 dok bz skrg.
Papai semua.
Key Lime Sheet Cake
4 days ago
banyak pikir pasal due yang 5 bulan lagi tu kot?? hihi
omg please jangan describe makanan dengan specs yg detail because u r so good at it and it makes my air liur meleleh now. arh, lapar!
hehehe, itu one of the things yg slalu dipkirkan, hahhaha.
u, serious sodap choc kukus tu, wihoo. bentuk kuih apam... bayangkan panaskan sekejap dlm microwave, pstu mkn dgn ice cream, drool-worthy :p
btw, balik nanti the kiddies want lasagne, so tifah n tiwa akan besilat di kitchen after tifah gets back from work :p
oww pwease pwease can i bring tifah and tiwa home! me wan lasagna choo!!
o'oh, we've got another lasagne munsta here! tifah kene lari dr semua hantu kacak!!
mana ble lari!?!
tifah kan PERMAISURI segala hantu kacak!?!
well, when u put it that way... huahahahhaaa
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