Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cakap pagi pandang2

mintak ampun lah kepada jejaka yg telah mengecall beta rabu lepas dan telah mendapat greeting yg agak menyakitkan jantung dari pihak beta. jgn marah ye, it was a simple misunderstanding, ehehehe...

one of those oops, i did it again moment, ngeeeee

jgn marah aaaa

Thursday, January 13, 2011

the man in my dreams

last night I had a dream, it was so real, i remember saying in my dream... " this has got to be a dream "...(haha, ngok). anyway, i won't bore u with all the details. the only part I'd like to share is that my dreams came true in that dream, hehehe.

and this morning, I thought to myself ~ I hope the man in my dreams has me in his

InsyaAllah, amin :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Oh, what a day

I woke up happy today. Don't know why, I just did. Then I got to thinking... Do I need constant reminders of the past?

I mean, we should always look back and learn from our mistakes, tapi is it necessary to have your bitterness written in black and white, for everyone to see and what...? Feel your pain? That's total BS. Hence the deletion of my previous posts, ngeh2 (mukaddimah mantap tuuuu).

Anyway, the past's the past and it's our present that really matters. It's gonna pave the way for our future. And InsyaAllah I'm constantly trying to better myself for the hereafter.

Someone wise once asked me, what is your mission in life? I didn't have my answer then, but was told that a Muslim's mission is to live his or her life berlandaskan sunnah Nabi Muhammad s.a.w and berusaha untuk mendapatkan berkat dari Allah s.w.t. I guess that was one of the pivotal moments in my life, where I got my petunjuk to change and better myself. I would like to add that I would also like to have fun while I'm at it. Well, my idea of fun was never the run of the mill kind pun... InsyaAllah within my limitations, amin.

People go through hurt and pain ALL the time, so who am I to think that I should be spared? How you handle the hurt and pain defines you as a person, one that has faith in Allah s.w.t. or one that thinks that the whole world revolves around him or her (and that everybody's out to get them).

Fine, I haven't been too awesome in handling my pain, but Alhamdulillah I've got all my loved ones to keep me grounded before I really lose myself-

- those who keep reminding me to better myself and rapatkan diri dengan Allah s.w.t.
- those who have to put up with all my drama and issue reruns (and still can restrain themselves from hitting me)
- those who listen to me cry over the phone and tell me that I still have people who love me
- those who constantly have to constrain me from buying baby clothes online
- those who have their own personal problems but still care about my love issues
- and most importantly, those who love and accept me for the (kinda complex) person I am.

Thank you, I love all of you very, very much.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

this year's [re]rez

1. to not feel guilty all the time
2. to forgive others
3. to become a better muslim- hamba yg solehah, anak, adik, aunty etc yg solehah
4. to perbanyakkan amal ibadat- solat sunat, mengaji, baca tafsir, dzikir etc
5. to love myself more- to proudly say "I'm worth it!"
6. to open my heart to love... and disappointment
7. to be less irritating (shadap!)
8. to not get too carried away when listening to songs -demit
9. to curse less... erm
10. to love those who love me- 'sup homies?
11. to LIVE (as said by Tengku)- to say 'screw you' when there are people who say otherwise...
ok, maybe i shud try very2 hard for #9.
12. to learn korean to be the bestest menantu ever :p (tengku made me do it!!!)
13. oh, to get hitched too :p