Sunday, August 14, 2011

Imagine My Surprise

Me: I think I’m in love.

BFF: Yeah? So which Korean celebrity is it this time?

Me: Haha, very funny. Seriously, this time it’s for real.

BFF: So, who’s the lucky guy?

Me: This is where it gets tricky… He’s my brother’s best friend.

BFF: You know what you have to do right?

Me: Keep my undying love a secret forever?

BFF: No, tell him how you feel!

Me: Who, my brother?

BFF: His best friend, Einstein (eyes rolling).

Me: Sure, when hell freezes over.

BFF: C’mon, what have you got to lose?

Me: My pride, my dignity, my life. The list goes on. I mean, what if he tells me to get lost?

BFF: You’ll live.

Me: You’re just so supportive, aren’t you? (eyes rolling)... I’ll think about it.

A few days later

BFF: Have you told him?

Me: Seriously dude? These things take time.

A few weeks later

BFF: Have you told him?

Me: Still building my courage. Gimme a break.

A few months later

BFF: You’re never going to tell him are you?

Me: C’mon, have faith.

A year later

Me: Guess what?

BFF: What?

Me: I told him.

BFF: And I thought I’d never live to see this day. How did it go?

Me: Good.

BFF: AND?...

Me: Imagine my surprise when he loved me back :)

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