ok, ok... call me poyo if u want, but u know i'd eventually write a post abt this, har har.
people, i am in love... with a fictional character in Stephenie Meyer's The Host. the lucky (hah!) guy's name is ian o'shea and he rocks my world!!! oklah, poyoness aside, the book is a must read. mmg agak lemah la nak baca the first few chapters sbb ala2 lembab dan bosan, tp believe me people, the story is SO worth it... i almost gave up 2 times masa awal2 baca, tp ntah apesal tegerak hati nak baca jugak, skrg i dah baca buku ni dah nak masuk 7 kali within a week, huahhahah. beli dan baca!!! tak rugi punye :)
feej, u gotta3 read this book, then u'll understand why i'm in love with this guy. i was telling poj if ada this guy in real life, i'd masuk meminang esok, sesudah subuh... seriously, huahahahhaha. i really need to talk with a fren abt this book, baru best berbincang... believe it or not, i siap masuk discussion board kat fb for this ok. man, i gotta get a life. boredom does this to a person, i guess, ahahha. anyway, my sis and a few frens dok ckp jgn la mental sampai kemaruk fictional character, tp i can't help it, at least for the time being... tp i know it'll pass, sama mcm kemaruk edward, har har... tp at the moment... ian, i love you, will u marry me? :p
Key Lime Sheet Cake
4 days ago
yay, afah's back!
alamak kena baca buku ke cikgu afah?? saya lemahla bab buku-buku ni. hihi. tell us more this Saturday ait? ;)
kene bace jugak! invest ur money and time in this book. u gotta do it for the greater good, ahahhahah.
insyaAllah sabtu i story. btw, i tak leh lepak lame sgt umah epet la, gotta be back before 9 coz ade hal mlm tu... kite lepak mane2 sebelum asar mau? i mintak nas drive my car sbb i dunno the way, hihi
okay, i'll check on ian after your full review, hehehe!
either kita lepak McD atau datang rumah i terus jela.. pastu kita gi umah epet sama2 nak? tapi let me check first sebab mak i kata ada orang nak datang rumah weekend ni. so are you gonna bring your famous pie?!? i bawa dessert je kot
i nanti nak cite, tp i gotta warn u, i get very emo, u gotta get tissues ready, ahahha.
best gak lepak mana2 same2. and can i tumpang solat rumah u? ok, u cek with ur mom kalau ada guests coming. btw, i ingat nak bwk dessert gak... u think muffins or dadih/jelly? sbb nak mkn heavy la- pizza dgn kfc
i bawak pudding inshaALLAH. you wat la muffins! nak rasa!
p/s: tissues a no problemo, i got loads! hehehehe
ok, insyaAllah i buat choc chip muffins :)
yang, i dah masuk kali ke 9 baca buku tu... kali ni dr first page semula... my sis ckp kalau dia nampak i baca lg buku tu, dia nak bakar buku tu, uhuk2... kejam, kejam... huahahhahha
so i baca sorok2 skrg. but pg tadi i ckp kat dia yg i baca semula bukan pasal i kemaruk ian... i nak lebih memahami cite tu lepas i've read until the end, kire nak amik feel lebih la, huahahhah... but she still din buy my crap :(
hey mrs ian, i LOVE your spaghetti!
nak resepi pls!!
yang, ingat ni- snow, saphire and ink...
haih, fictional character pun can be so droolworthy ke? rosak anak mak
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