Monday, May 10, 2010

The things I do for L-O-V-E

Kamal Hafiz : Tifah, dah lama tifah tak buat cupcakes.

*Tifah kembang sbb ade peminat cupcakes tifah

Tifah : Why, u want to eat my cupcakes ke?

Kamal : No, I just want to help u make cupcakes

* Cis punye budak kecik

So, the plan today is to do some shopping in BAGUS. Tifah nak modify sikit recipe choc muffins tu. Maybe include marshmallows and choc chunks? Tgk dulu nanti...

Apa yg tak cukup kat rumah:

1. Cocoa powder
2. Butter
3. Brown sugar
4. Choc chips
5. Mozarella cheese (tesasar niat)

Ha, esok lusa bole buat cuppas. Waduh, capek lg tifah...


FJ said...

tifah, nanti acara GB3 tifah bawak cuppies yeh! :p

Arfah said...

helo sista, bukan objektif sesi GB3 is to lose weight ke? huahahhaha

FJ said...

*hilang ingatan
