Sunday, January 2, 2011

this year's [re]rez

1. to not feel guilty all the time
2. to forgive others
3. to become a better muslim- hamba yg solehah, anak, adik, aunty etc yg solehah
4. to perbanyakkan amal ibadat- solat sunat, mengaji, baca tafsir, dzikir etc
5. to love myself more- to proudly say "I'm worth it!"
6. to open my heart to love... and disappointment
7. to be less irritating (shadap!)
8. to not get too carried away when listening to songs -demit
9. to curse less... erm
10. to love those who love me- 'sup homies?
11. to LIVE (as said by Tengku)- to say 'screw you' when there are people who say otherwise...
ok, maybe i shud try very2 hard for #9.
12. to learn korean to be the bestest menantu ever :p (tengku made me do it!!!)
13. oh, to get hitched too :p


FJ said...

so 'screw you' is like the new "forget you'?

i could live with that. hahahahah

FJ said...

i'm still drafting my new year's resolution... bladibla
but basically they concur with yours eheh

Arfah said...

definitely, has a nice ring to it, doncha tink? heeehehehhehe

Arfah said...

i've read urs. think they're cooler than mine, ha ha ha