Sunday, January 17, 2010

I have finally forgotten you after a thousand years....

Tell me, what is the enjoyment of a thousand suicides? (Anon)

- this was translated from Urdu. The indian poets call two liners 'a couplet'... man, menusuk kalbunye couplet ni...


FJ said...

wiow, im lovin it too lah!

hey do check this out, she writes cool stuff ->

p/s: see ya at GB3 Track 3! Jangan lupain ya, ibuguru lagi mau ngetest poco-poconya ama kalian! hahahahha

Arfah said...

lake garden kul brape eh minggu ni? i forgot lah... u wud be proud to know that i practice my poco2 moves everyday, insyaAllah, ahahha.

yup, i really dig this couplet