Monday, January 12, 2009

BFFs reunited

semalam kenduri kawin adik epet- afnan. kitorg, kwn2nye menjadi penyambut2 tetamu tak bertauliah. kitorg (me especially) sibuk tangkap gamba and berposing mautz (siap dgn props!!!- remember hello kitty?!). sebenarnye gambar pengantin takde langsung sbb i ciao sebelum pengantin sampai pun, huahahahha.

tapi i had a good time borak2 dengan kawan2 sab yg dah lame tak jumpe- yelah sume org tgh sibuk climbing the corporate ladder :p really had fun and hope that at the next wedding (epet or mine perhaps :p) kite bole posing2 minum2 (i minum at least 5 gelas sirap limau semlm) and laugh like hyenas again. i miss the good old days


FJ said...

yang, hear this! - ada orang dgr u asik cop date wedding u kan and she really thought "u n e-jump" are an item! hehehehehehehhehehehe..amcam? can consider ah? ke u dah ada jejaka lain di hati, ehem ehem???

FJ said...

Reminiscing JEM & THE HOLOGRAMS :) "Jerrica Benton is the owner of Starlight Music and the Starlight Foundation, which is a foster home for young girls. But by using her earrings to project a holographic image over herself, she is transformed into her alter ego Jem, the lead singer for the successful music group, Jem and the Holograms. Other members of the group are Jerrica's sensitive little sister Kimber, the strong-willed Aja, and the creative Shana. The group's rivals are The Misfits, made up of the cold-hearted Pizzazz, the tough-acting Roxy, and the humble Stormer. Jem and her friends are always involved in glamorous and exciting adventures around the world, while touching people's hearts with their hit songs. "

Arfah said...

btw, 2.10.2010 is my date k, jgn kacau!!!

Arfah said...

sape manusia yg nak direjam tu? bgtau sikit!!!tolonglaaaaaaaaaaaaa, ijam tu dah mcm sedare bau2 bacin dah...
abt the jejake dlm hati, let's just say i'm keeping my options open, hihihihi

Arfah said...

i dah jadi fan jem and the holograms kat facebook!!!!

Radin Hairi said...