i don't know why these past few months i've had these nightmares- i'm in school or uni and i'm either:
1) about to take an exam on a subject i did not revise on or
2) so behind my assignment that's due in 2 or 3 days or
3) still unable to find group mates for my business policy group assignment that's due in 3 weeks (it took us 3 months to complete it ok!)
seriously, i sometimes wake up screaming and later get a massive headache. this is the reason why i've got bags under my eyes the size of a house. (i do recite doa's and berzikir sebelum tido, but lately, i fall asleep the moment my head lands on my pillow- takdelah peluang nak berzikir, hihi. kene make sure i sempat bace lah sebelum tido, hihi).
FYI, during primary, uni and college years (secondary i tak minat belajar la, ntah nape :p), i was really into studying and getting good marks. so i get really tense when i'm doing my assignments ad i usually demam/ ketumbit/ bisul bile nak exam (doc ckp too much heat due to stress :p) HAHAHA
tanyelah kwn2 i, one time kat uni, during final year presentation, on the day of the prez, i had this awful heat rash that made me look like a lobster and after a few seconds after my presentation, terus clear, hihi.
up till now i don't handle pressure or stress well. i still get bisuls, zits, fevers and migraines kalo i'm under pressure. and i sweat like nobody's business when i'm tense- the doc even said that i shud see a shrink for my anxiety attacks, HAH!
anyway, i'm just hoping and praying that this new year, i'll be able to look at life in a different light- not my usual paranoid and uptight way. i want to have fun, take things easily and not to think too much or over analyze. i'm young (perasan!) and i've got a lot of things going on for me. so i'll just kick back and relax and enjoy the ride... we'll see how the new year goes for our new year resolutions yeh :)
Key Lime Sheet Cake
4 days ago
this is a new perspective abt you, for me. wen i get stressed out my "blood will go upstairs". i mean it. i can feel them rushing to my head and kepala stat rasa panas. sejak keje ni agak kerap kena (hopefully i will overcome this n not get heart attack too soon). lg satu im a kalut person,exams gives me anxiety attacks and yes, being a proscrastinator mmg i sll ah sabotaj diri, make meself pening n tense. padan muka!
huih, lebih kurang critical jugak u ni. i ead somewhere kalo org yg senang stress ade high chance of dying at an early age, huwaaahhh. makin stress la i, hihi
ah, we'll learn to deal with it insh. actly br blk klinik ni n i dapat mc dua hari, woohoo! but if i feel ok tmrw i pergilah keje. im always worried abt my work piling up. it'll be hell trying to meet other ppls' expectations tau. watever lah. i'll worry later. yang, wud u b kind enough to upload our piccies ystrday or email evytg to insan yg takde facebook mcm i ni? hihi.. thanxy!!
baiknye u. mmg employee yg berdedikasi. check ur gmail account nanti- i dah anta the pix
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